Dougherty Dozen Net Worth in 2024: The Ultimate Journey


 The Dougherty Dozen, an amazing family from Georgia, USA, has become known for their strength, resilience, and hard work.

The estimated net worth of the Dougherty Dozen stands at approximately $1.1 million.

This article takes a closer look at the fascinating journey of the Dougherty family, sharing about where they come from, the tough times they faced, and how they’ve become successful on YouTube and in the world of hip hop.
Dougherty Dozen Net Worth

1. There is Dougherty Dozen Youtube chennel

2. There is Dougherty Dozen Tiktok Channel

NameDougherty Dozen
Net WorthApproximately $1.1 million
OccupationYouTube creators, hip hop musicians
YouTube Income$22,000 – $30,000 monthly
TikTok Income$9,000 – $15,000 for sponsored posts
YouTube SubsNearly 900,000 subscribers
YouTube Views63 million monthly
TikTok FollowersOver 5 million followers
BackgroundsFinance, law, medicine
CommunityActive involvement, volunteer work
AchievementsRecognition for philanthropic efforts
AdversityOvercame challenges, including miscarriages
ContributionAdoption, fostering children, positive impact

The Dougherty Dozen Net Worth

The estimated net worth of the Dougherty Dozen stands at approximately $1.1 million.

The Dougherty Dozen’s money journey is like a big adventure! Every month on YouTube, they earn between $22,000 and $30,000 because almost 900,000 people love watching their videos, and they get 63 million views!
On TikTok, with over 5 million fans, they make money by charging between $9,000 and $15,000 for special posts. But you know what’s super cool? Even though they’re big on TikTok, they make even more money from their YouTube videos.
It’s like YouTube is their superhero, bringing in the most treasure! The Dougherty Dozen isn’t just having fun online; they’re also super smart about making money.

Members’ Backgrounds and Heights

 Diverse backgrounds and families contribute to the unique style and sound of each member. Ranging in height from 5’5” to 6’2”, the collective’s musical talent and creativity have made them a popular force in the hip hop scene.

Beyond the Screen

Away from the online world, Josh and Alica Dougherty have a special story filled with strength and kindness. They faced eleven tough times but turned it around by adopting and fostering kids, creating a family that’s a mix of both adopted and their own.
They also help out in their community, spending time at a local shelter for homeless people. In 2013, they even got a big award called “Hero of the Year” for doing good things.
When they’re not on camera, the Dougherty Dozen shows us a family that’s real, loving, and special. Their success is about more than just numbers; it’s about being true and caring for each other.

Family Details and Achievements

The 12 siblings, who are between 27 and 35 years old, finished college and now have cool jobs in finance, law, and medicine. They own fancy cars, boats, and make money from renting stuff and smart investments.
The Dougherty Dozen isn’t just about doing well for themselves; they also help out a lot in their community. It shows that when you work hard and care about what you do, you can be successful and make a positive impact on others.
The Dougherty Dozen is like a big example of how hard work and dedication can make life awesome!

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Dougherty Dozen’s Residence

The Dougherty Dozen House is a lively spot where 13 family members of all ages live, work, and have fun together. It’s a cool mix of practical and stylish, giving everyone their own space.

One awesome thing about the house is the big kitchen island. It’s where the family hangs out, cooks meals, does homework, and plays games. Plus, it has a built-in breakfast bar, so they can munch together without needing a fancy dining table.

Another neat part of the house is the home theater. It’s a chill spot where the family kicks back, watches movies, and shows. There’s even a gaming console for the kids to play video games together.

All in all, the Dougherty Dozen House is a special place that shows what the family’s all about. It’s where everyone feels loved, accepted, and like they belong.

The Dougherty Dozen on YouTube

Meet Alica and Josh Dougherty, the clever minds behind the Dougherty Dozen YouTube channel. They’ve collected a good amount of money, around $400,000!
This big family of 14, living in New York, shows what it’s like to take care of 12 kids all at once. From mornings to grocery shopping, they share it all with over 1.7 million friends who watch their videos.
Can you believe they’ve had a whopping 1.2 billion views? Most of them are from their short videos, making them super popular! So, Alica and Josh are like the cool storytellers, sharing their daily adventures with lots of people.

Earnings on YouTube

The Dougherty Dozen’s YouTube channel isn’t just about having lots of subscribers; it’s also about making money. Every day, around 150,000 people watch their videos, and from just the ads, they earn about $1,200 a day.
That adds up to a big $440,000 every year! Where they live, how much people like the ads, and the kind of videos they make can change how much money they get. But guess what?
They also make extra money in different ways, like from YouTube Premium, Superchats & Superstickers, Super Thanks, Channel Membership, and even Shopping. It’s like they have lots of cool ways to make their channel even better!

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YouTube Premium and Additional Income Streams

People who pay for YouTube Premium every month help YouTubers make money because they watch without any ads. When fans use Super Chat and Super Sticker during live streams, it’s like a way to talk with their favorite creators.
There’s also something cool called Super Thanks, where viewers can say an extra big “thank you” to the creators they like. And guess what? Creators can even sell their own stuff right on YouTube using the Shopping feature.
So, it’s not just about watching videos; there are lots of fun ways for fans and creators to connect and make things even more awesome!

YouTube Shorts and Revenue Generation 

YouTube Shorts, a unique platform for creators, generates revenue differently from traditional videos. Ad revenue from Shorts is pooled, and eligible creators receive a share based on their total views.
Licensing costs affect earnings, with music-related Shorts typically making less money.


Meet Mr. Joshua Dougherty! He’s not just a teacher, but he’s also the head coach for the Modified B football team at Mendon High School in New York. That means he helps students learn in school and coaches them in football.
Besides that, Mr. Dougherty and his family make a lot of money from their YouTube channel. Almost 900,000 people really like watching their videos, and they get a super big 63 million views every month! That’s like having a big party online.
From just their YouTube videos, they make between $22,000 and $30,000 every month. So, Mr. Dougherty is like a teacher, a coach, and a YouTube star all at once!


Sponsorship Fees

The Dougherty Dozen decides how much they charge when they work with brands and businesses for sponsorships. They say, “Okay, for each special post we make, you need to pay us between $9,000 and $15,000.”
Even though they have a lot of fans, more than 5 million, on TikTok, it’s interesting to know that they make more money from YouTube sponsorships. It’s like YouTube is their big money-maker, and TikTok is just a part of their online adventure!
So, when they team up with brands, they make sure to set their charges just right.

General Expenses for Content Creators

Making cool videos needs a lot of stuff, like paying for making the video, giving money to people who help, travel costs, buying new equipment, and even normal living expenses.
But here’s the tricky part – a big part of the money they make goes to taxes, and in the United States, it can be as much as 37%!
So, making fun videos is awesome, but it also means they have to pay for lots of things, including taxes, to keep making more cool stuff for everyone to enjoy!

The Dougherty Dozen Overview

The Dougherty Dozen, who were first on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 2009, are like a big success story! Led by Angie and Mike Dougherty, who used to be teachers, the family has a lot of money, around $6 million.
They own cool stuff like a farm, a vacation home, and some houses they rent out to others. They’ve even won awards, been in the news, and there’s a special movie about their amazing journey.
So, the Dougherty Dozen is not just a family; they’re like a story of success that lots of people look up to!

The Dougherty Dozen: Hip Hop Collective

Now, let’s talk about another cool side of the Dougherty Dozen – their hip hop group from San Francisco.
It’s like a team with lots of members, such as Nappy Nappa, Young Pimp, DJ O-Zone, Donny D, D-Lux, King Koopa, S.O.S., G-Force, J-Roc, K-Dubb, J-Dilla, and Da-Ville.
They’re super creative and make really cool music that people love. Everyone thinks they’re awesome because they’re different and come up with their own ideas.
So, not only are they a big family, but they’re also a bunch of talented musicians making unique and exciting music!

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Hip Hop Collective’s Achievements

The Dougherty Dozen in the hip hop world has done some awesome things! They made mixtapes, albums, and singles that lots of people love. They even got noticed on big radio shows, in magazines, and in newspapers.
They won awards too! All these cool things they did helped them make a lot of money, maybe even a few million dollars.
So, the Dougherty Dozen is not just about family; they’re also like rock stars in the world of hip hop, making great music and getting lots of love for it!


The Dougherty Dozen’s story is like a big example of not giving up and following what you love. They went through tough times but turned it around by taking care of kids and becoming famous on YouTube and in the hip hop world.
Their story is like a spark that inspires others. And now, in 2024, as we find out how much money they have, the Dougherty Dozen is like a big symbol of what you can achieve if you really work hard and never stop trying.
They show that being dedicated and not giving up can make you reach great heights!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do the Dougherty Dozen earn money on YouTube?

The Dougherty Dozen makes money on YouTube through ads, sponsored videos, and special features on their channel. With almost 900,000 subscribers and 63 million views each month, their videos help them earn between $22,000 and $30,000 every month.

2. How much money do they make on TikTok?

Even though they have lots of followers (over 5 million) on TikTok, they earn between $9,000 and $15,000 for sponsored posts. Surprisingly, their TikTok money is not as much as what they make on YouTube.

3. How do they balance their regular life and their online life?

The Dougherty Dozen keeps a balance by sharing real moments in their videos while also keeping their personal life special and connected to their values. They do this by helping out in their community and staying true to who they are.

4. Have they won any awards?

Yes, the Dougherty Dozen won a big award called “Hero of the Year” in 2013 from the Oprah Winfrey Network. They got this award because they do good things for their community, like helping at a local homeless shelter.

5. How did they handle tough times in their life?

Josh and Alica Dougherty faced a lot of challenges, like going through eleven miscarriages. But they turned these tough times into something positive by adopting and fostering kids. Their story is about being strong, kind, and making good changes.

6. Why is their success important beyond just money?

The Dougherty Dozen’s success is not just about money. It’s about being creative and smart in the online world. They’re not just famous; they’re also really good at using the internet to share their story and help others.

7. How do they help in their local community?

The Dougherty Dozen helps in their community by doing things like volunteering at a local homeless shelter. They don’t just talk about being good online; they show it by doing good things in their own neighborhood.

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